Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2006
Kurtlar Vadisi Irak
A new 'Turkish' film has entered the German cinemas. It is very successfull. It's name is Kurtlar Vadisi Irak.

I have not seen it. But from what I have read about it, it is antisemitic, promotes violence against 'enemies', etc. It does not seem to be a film I would like to watch. It does not seem like a film which should be seen. It does not seem a film which promotes peaceful coexistence in diversity. In so far I can understand the outrage against it in the 'German' public.

What I do not understand is why it is considered worse than Hollywood films which are racist, islamophobic, anti-communist, sexist, etc. Is it because all this does not hurt us, but the 'anti-western' mode of 'Kurtlar Vadisis Irak' does?

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