Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2006
Freedom of the press
urmila, 19:16h
To print carricatures about Mohammed is a symbol of the freedom of the press in the West. 'We' are more civilised than others. 'They' do not understand this. This is the 'clash of civilisations'. Although 'we' do not really consider the 'others' as civilised.
In the case of domestic issues 'we' are more careful with our freedom. 'We' do not attack an influential politician, bureaucrat, film star or entrepreneur. That could have unwanted consequences. So we voluntarily restrict our freedom.
So far we could deal freely with the 'others'. 'They' could not attack 'us', 'we' had to fear no consequences. Unfortunately this has changed now. And 'they' are threatening the freedom of the press.
In the case of domestic issues 'we' are more careful with our freedom. 'We' do not attack an influential politician, bureaucrat, film star or entrepreneur. That could have unwanted consequences. So we voluntarily restrict our freedom.
So far we could deal freely with the 'others'. 'They' could not attack 'us', 'we' had to fear no consequences. Unfortunately this has changed now. And 'they' are threatening the freedom of the press.
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