Freitag, 10. Februar 2006
How does a German become a German?
asks the 'German' journalist Bettina Gaus today. And goes on to argue that the debate about naturalisation is a debate about the 'German' identity.

But is it really? Are being 'German' and getting the 'German' citizenship related?

Naturalisation does not make one into a 'natural' 'German'. A 'German' although undefined is something different than a German citizen. He (and also she) is 'White', 'Christian' and several other vague ideas associated with 'Germanness' which can be best defined when they are missing. Attributes which one cannot acquire via legal naturalisation.

The German citizenship cannot convey these. But it gives the right to active political participation. Thus it is important. For those who apply for it. And for those who do not want to grant it?

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