Dienstag, 7. Februar 2006
Second class citizen
One of the lessons learned from the Nazi period was that the state had no right to withdraw the German citizenship. This is part of the German constitution. But it is no longer legal reality. Today you can loose the German citizenship when you were naturalised on the basis of a 'deceit'.

In the state of Baden-Württemberg applicants for German citizenship have to answer questions about their opinions towards the emancipation of women and homsexuals, about their ideas about democracy, etc (the so called 'Muslim test'). The answers are filed until your death, and can be used any time to show that you deceived the state when you were naturalised. As there cannot be 'objective' criteria to interprete the answers and compare them to your real attitudes, this positions the new citizens in a state of arbitrariness. They can never be sure that they are trusted to be rightful 'Germans'. They are citizens until canceled.

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