Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2006
Freedom of speech
urmila, 15:54h
The freedom of speech is a difficult issue. I am absolutely convinced that it is a fundamental right, which is especially needed as tool to fight totalitarian tendencies. But if one grants the freedom of speech, one also the grants the freedom of not only stupid but also discriminatory speech. This has to be tolerated to some extent. But to which extent. When are other fundamental rights hurt by the freedom of speech? This is a very difficult topic, which needs careful examination in each field.
The commotion about the carricatures of the prophet in a Danish newspaper, however, seems to have its roots less in this assessment of conflicting rights. It seems rather to be the perfect issue to mobilise on the basis of prejudices against the other on both sides. The 'Western' exponents of the controversy can show how 'Islam' and human rights are not compatible. The 'Muslim' exponents can show how the 'West' disregards their religious feelings. The same as in the Rushdie affair.
yeahpope has also blogged about this.
The commotion about the carricatures of the prophet in a Danish newspaper, however, seems to have its roots less in this assessment of conflicting rights. It seems rather to be the perfect issue to mobilise on the basis of prejudices against the other on both sides. The 'Western' exponents of the controversy can show how 'Islam' and human rights are not compatible. The 'Muslim' exponents can show how the 'West' disregards their religious feelings. The same as in the Rushdie affair.
yeahpope has also blogged about this.
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