Montag, 17. April 2006
Mosques in Germany
urmila, 00:48h
This time it are the Ahmadiyas who want to build a mosque in Berlin. And as in most cases where 'migrants' want to built religious buidlings in Germany (a Hindu mandir is not less affected by this than a mosque) the locals oppose to it fiercely. In this case they scanded racist and islamphobic slogans and threatened to set the mosque on fire.
It is alarming how openly White 'Germans' voice their racism and islamophobia. It seems to be becoming increasingly normal to do so. I hope very much that I overinterpret. But I do not think so.
It is alarming how openly White 'Germans' voice their racism and islamophobia. It seems to be becoming increasingly normal to do so. I hope very much that I overinterpret. But I do not think so.
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