Montag, 23. April 2007
Personal number
In order to open a bank account in Norway I need a personal number. To register a mobile phone I need a Fødselnummer. I assume both are the same. Nobody at the faculty knows how and where I can get it. But to get a residence permit I need to register at the police and maybe then I also get this much needed number.

Antrag auf Aufenthaltsgenehmigung

As a researcher from the European Union it should not be any problem to get the residence permit. But still the atmosphere in the Aliens Office worries me. I start feeling vulnerable, as if I had done something wrong, as if anything could happen to me. And this although the staff is very friendly and helpful. They talk English with me, which I do not think would happen in Germany.

Now I have submitted my papers although I was lacking an official letter from the university. That will be faxed today to the aliens office. Then I will get my residence permit. Lets see how long it will take. And then I can apply for the personal number somewhere else, I was told.

To be continued ...

PS: I need the 11-digit number also to get my permanent computer account at the university.

PPS: Today I was told at the immigration office that the residence permit was posted to me on Friday (or rather Monday). Lets see.

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