Dienstag, 21. März 2006
Fortress Europe
The last two days I have looked through the newspapers of the last ten days, which accumulated here while I was holidaying. Each day there was at least one example of othering, racism and/or violence. Some of the most shocking news were about refugees. Not only was there lots of discussion about how 'we' can prevent all those people to come by boat to European shores. 'We' need more police, better equipment, etc. 'We' also need to deterr more, deport all of 'them' as fast as possible. Sometimes also rather slowly. But in any case brutally. One family is to be deported which has lived here for 17 years. Another mother with two children was deported after 10 years or so. 'Unfortunately' the mother was ill, got interned after deportation and died soon afterwards. In another case a three year old was detained by the police to get hold of the mother. Yes, the dignity of everyone is protected by the German constitution. It is only the question who is everyone. And Germany is not alone, Austria in fact seems to have an even worse law and practice.

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