Montag, 30. Januar 2006
Weird coalitions
The political discussion in Germany shows weird coalitions at the moment: Homophobic and sexist conservatives want to prevent 'Muslims' getting the German citizenship by testing their supposed homophobic and sexist attitude. At the same time a conservative minister has to resign, because he defended his patronage of a gay pride festival against critique from the Catholic Church. Gay and women activists join the conservatives in arguing for the special discriminatory treatment of 'Muslims'. And all agree that none of this is islamophobic.

Even if some of the 'Muslims', who want to obtain the German citizenship, are homophobic and sexist - which is quite probable as this is true also for most of the German citizens -, that problem is not solved by refusing their naturalisation. This refusal just prevents the political participation in Germany of the applicants, and continues their othering. More on the history of the restrictive naturalisation policy in Germany on

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