Samstag, 28. Mai 2011
yms: Output before content
The young media summit was about (social) media and for many reasons it makes sense to make this public: in order for other people to get to know about the debates, for them to have a possibility to engage in these with the participants and for the public relations of the organisers. All this is valid and fine. The blog fullfills many aims: make debates public, make discussion possible and advertise. The
videos are nice image films (although almost totally lacking content and in their production a bit too invasive). The panel discussion at Cairo University could have been a good opportunity to discuss, if there had been an audience. The TV Talk Show helps in making the debates public.

So each of these publication forms (as well as the twittering, the facebook page and the flickr picture gallery) make sense in themselves. But in total they are a bit too much. We were so very output orientated that little time was left to produce content. Our blogposts were written in a hurry, the preparation for the panel discussion was 30 minutes, the TV show cost us a whole evening.

Less output orientation probably would have produced more interesting output. And I might have been able to blog during the summit.

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