Samstag, 28. Mai 2011
(No) news on the protests
urmila, 13:07h

There was a lot of mobilising for the protests yesterday on Tahrir Square. Since I did not go, I tried to follow what was happening in the media. Since I do not understand Arabic, I was looking for English or German media coverage. That was really difficult. From Twitter#May27 I got some idea. But there has been not much more that I found. Al Ahram has a story before and Al Jazeera a report on the protest. German media seem to be interested only in the oppening of the border to Gaza.
When you are not a specialist, it seems difficult to follow what happens in the Arab countries from Germany.

PS: In my German newspaper there was little on the Cairo protests, but one article on court hearing of blogger Hossam al-Hamalawy.
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