Freitag, 13. Juli 2012
Free Hussein
urmila, 01:58h

Die syrische Revolution und ihre gewalttätige Unterdrückung geht weiter. So alltäglich, dass es mir aus der deutschen Ferne schwer fällt, mich konstant zu engagieren. Nun hat Razan über den Hungerstreik Hussein Ghrers gebloggt und ich will mich zumindest anschliessen:
"We, Syrian and Arab bloggers as well as bloggers in solidarity with Hussein and his case, demand the immediate and unconditional release of our colleague in detention, blogger and friend Hussein Ghrer especially since more than four months had passed without pressing charges against. His four-month long detention far exceeds the maximum legal limits for incarceration without court referral which is set to 60-days according to Syrian law.
We also call for the release of Ghrer’s colleagues at the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression and all detainees and prisoners being held at security branches and civil and military prisons, especially those whose detention has exceeded sixty days. We condemn all forms of torture exercised by the Shabiha and security agents against the detainees and prisoners in Syrian cells."
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